The KDDI and Okinawa cellular announced Toshiba make " W43T " which corresponds to new functional " 3d Nabi " of EZ Nabi walk and so on as a new type of CDMA 1x WIN terminal of au. The schedule which is sold in the April last third.
The W43T indicates intersection and the like in threely-dimensional with EZ Nabi walk the Toshiba make CDMA 1x WIN terminal which " 3d Nabi " can utilize. The electronic compass is not loaded. Furthermore, the 3d drawing engine " T4G " which is loaded " 3d Nabi " not only, is utilized even with the BREW game and the like of 3d indication.
Music synthesis service " au LISTEN MOBILE SERVICE (the LISMO and the リスモ)" it corresponds, in order to be able to utilize music playback function smoothly, the button for music playback 3 is allotted on the rear of the display side body. It re-raises music by the fact that length you push, the central button can do the skip and the like of music with the button left and right.